Sunday 22 July 2012

Compendium of Curiosities II - Challenge 14

This week Linda Ledbetter (sponsored by The Funkie Junkie)has challenged us to create something using the Gilded Kraft Glassine technique from Sir Tim of Holtz's Compendium of Curiosities Volume II. 

First challenge - find the Kraft Glassine.  I gilded one piece some time ago that was easy to put my hands on, but where was the rest of the pad?  Nowhere to be found...

In the search for the Kraft Glassine, I discovered some paper I'd coloured with Starburst Stains while on a "get some paper out and throw colour at it" mood, so undaunted, I used that as a subsitute.  The foliage is gilded Kraft Glassine, and I'd intended to colour some in shades of pink.  As that clearly wasn't going to happen, I used the paper I'd re-discovered  to make the roses (from a Spellbinders die) and another sheet for my background.  The frame is faux leather (brown card with gel medium brayered over it) with some peel-off borders.  I know not everyone is a fan of the humble peel-off, but they have their place!

The "Memories" stamp is from Joanna Sheen and the dancer was cut with a Marianne die.

Oh, and when it was all finished I found the Kraft Glassine - isn't that always the way?


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love that Glassine as a background - just perfection!

May said...

Gorgeous creation... brillant colours & design... love all the detail... Hugs May x x x

Jenny Marples said...

This is so beautiful. You have used the Glassine so well and the colours blend really effectively. Hugs, Buttons x

alison said...


Trish Latimer said...

Love the colours on the flowers/leaves and the background too, gorgeous!