Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Polymer Clay "Ivory" Plaque

I'm home from work today with a migraine hangover.  I had my first migraine about two years ago - and thought I was having a brain haemorrhage when my vison went wonky! - and this is my third episode to date.  The headache lasted two hours, the aftermath has gone on for two days so far.

I'm feeling slightly more human so I am moved to blog.  This is a polymer clay "ivory" tablet I made a while ago with the technique shown here and then stamped with an "Ancient Egyptian" scene. 
After cooking I did the antiquing thing with brown acrylic paint,  brushed on and then immediately rubbed off.  I got a really lovely soft sheen to the finished piece by polishing it with wet-and-dry sandpaper (using, in turn, very fine, incredibly fine, and outrageously fine) and then covering it with - wait for it - Klear floor polish!  (Now known as Pledge Multi-surface wax if you're looking for it).   As it doesn't get used on the floor in our house, a bottle used as a handy glaze lasts a long time.

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